How old are you?
7, Mom! You know that!
What was your favorite thing about Girls EDGE?
Farmers and lumberjacks
What is that?
The lumberjacks knock the cones down and the farmers pick them up.
Why is that fun?
Because you run around a lot!
Was Girls EDGE hard?
Because it's a workout and you are really tired in the end.
But you still like it?
Because I met new people and made new friends. (editor's note: it's TRUE she has a BEST FRIEND - which must be screamed and followed by a hug, very cute)
Did you learn anything new?
I learned how to do toes to bar and toe touches on the box.
How are your coaches?
I like them because they are funny and silly and sometimes they dance.
Do you think someone who has never worked out before could do this?
Yes, because it's kind of like practice. And fun!
Why do you think other girls should join Girls EDGE?
Because it's a workout and you need some exercise!
Anything else you want to say?
Come have fun with us!