I wrote before about how growing up I often felt shy, awkward and at times very much lacking friends. I eventually lost my shyness somehow. I think part of it was finding out who I really was.
But the biggest part of getting over being shy came from realizing that each of us is looking for the exact same thing. Acceptance. We want to be accepted for who we are and most simply, just want people to like us.This, I've found, especially applies to kids, except they don't actually realize that other kids feel the same way!
When I first joined CrossFit Brighton I felt accepted right away. The trainers are very welcoming, each with their own unique way of making a new person feel at home. The members all introduce themselves and even though there is a burpee penalty for not meeting a new member, the introductions never felt forced. Friendships came easily.

What if I could channel all of the goodness and fun of CrossFit into a program that would help young girls figure out who they are and how to get rid of some of that shyness and awkwardness. I want to help them realize that we are ALL shy and awkward and it's OK!
- Not a good dancer but love to dance? Do it anyway! Do it for the joy YOU feel when dancing!
- Are there mean girls at school? Then think about this...why are they mean? Did their parents just get divorced? Are they jealous of you? Are they acting out because they don't have any friends?
- Do you have a favorite song? Sing it loud and sing it proud! Don't have a good voice? Neither do I, but if we sing it together, we will ROCK it!
Strangely, she didn't think it was crazy and was in! We shared the idea with Chris and John Tamer the owners of CrossFit Brighton, who definitely think we're crazy, but were very supportive of our idea. And Girls EDGE was born!
Our first session had 8 girls. I was so proud of them everyday for being so willing to try new things, for not giving up during workouts and for being BRAVE!
The last day we had a bring a friend workout. I wasn't sure how many people would show up. I was hoping for 16 or so. People started trickling in...and eventually when I counted we had 47 people!
It was hard for me to coach that day because I was so incredibly overwhelmed by the fact that people came! A crazy little idea from a once shy, awkward girl had turned into something that brought 47 people together to workout, meet new people and make some new friends.
It made me realize that there is a reason for everything. I can't WAIT to see what the next 40 will bring!
Coach Darcie