So, to get the REAL perspective about our sessions, we sent Coach Darcie to chat with the Dillay sisters who have participated in three sessions and have shown so much growth! Think of this just like an episode of Dateline or 20/20... Girls EDGE the real story... cue the music dun dun daaaaaahhhh... and take it away Coach!
Coach Darcie: what's your favorite thing about Girls EDGE?
Lorelei: "The rope climbs"
Bree: "Spending time with friends, trying new things and working out."
Allie: "Sled pushes!"
Coach Darcie: "Sometimes we have discussions after our workout, what is the best thing we've talked about in class?"
Allie: "Healthy snacks
Bree: "How to deal with bullies"
Lorelei: "How we talk about what we are going to do next and how to do it."
Allie: "Healthy snacks
Bree: "How to deal with bullies"
Lorelei: "How we talk about what we are going to do next and how to do it."
Coach Darcie: "Do you think other kids would like it?"
Bree: "Yes, because you get to try new things and not many kids get to do it. Oh, and you get to listen to music and our theme song Brave! (editor's note: we've been known, when this song comes on to stop everything we're doing and belt out the words... at least the words we know!)
Lorelei: "Yes because it's pretty awesome and you make new friends!"
Allie: "Because it's just something fun to do and sometimes really funny because people can do funny things."
Coach Darcie: "What if someone is nervous about coming to their first GE class? What would you tell them?"
Bree: "That's okay because we were all nervous before. If you don't like it, it's ok, just be brave!"
Lorelei: "I would say don't be scared, it will be good!"
Allie: "Just keep trying even if you are nervous."

Coach Darcie: "thanks for letting me interview you girls. Do you have anything else to add?"
Allie: "Don't stop! And pay attention."
Bree: "Even if you can't do it right away, keep trying!"
Lorelei: "no"

Editor's note, ahem, don't forget to double knot your shoes and only use chalk under a coach's supervision :)