Wednesday, September 24, 2014

10 things you probably didn't know about a Girls EDGE session

We like to think Girls EDGE is a unique program... and it may be. But what's unique about it is we strive to have fun while getting fit and as a result we can be, um, a bit silly.

To save you all the embarrassment of asking these questions, we thought we'd proactively address them Buzzfeed style... so, here goes! 

1. We will sing...very loudly and we will get most of the words wrong.

2. We will learn how to do ladders... (Not the tall kind that you climb up)

3. Someone will fart. And we will laugh together and blame Coach Kara. It's okay, body functions happen and Coach Kara has thick skin!

4.  When we break into dance. Coach Darcie won't want to stop dancing. (Even though she looks goofy)

5. We will learn a lot about each other during this session. In fact, during our first class we will learn 5 new things about all of our Girls EDGErs. It will be goofy and at least one person will mention a boy band and that's cool.

6. We will learn what a WOD is and what AMRAP stands for. Hint, it's not scary, it's fun!

7. We will play super fun games - every time! We'll play fun games you've hard of like dodge ball and others that may be new like farmers and lumberjacks. Trust us, it's fun! 

8.  We hope you're not afraid of heights, but if you are it's okay! Why? Did someone say pull-ups?? And monkey bars?? And rope climbs?? Why yes I did!

9.  We will make new friends! Even if it's hard and scary sometimes!

10. No two sessions, no two workouts, no two goofy team building fun activities are ever the same. Girls EDGE is always different every day!