Monday, March 31, 2014

Speaking of failing...

Coach Kara posted an article today that got me thinking... 
I WANT the Girls EDGErs to fail!
Trying new things is scary.  

Changing schools, making new friends, falling in love, getting a new job, traveling to a place we have never been before, going off to college.... these are scary things.

But why? Why is there such fear in the unknown? We fear failure, we fear being laughed at, we fear rejection, we fear falling down.

All the girls who join Girls EDGE will fail at some point. They will rope climb and some won't make it to the top. 

They will try pull ups and some won't be able to do one. 

They will try toes to bars and some won't be able to make it all come together.

Why even try these things if only some of the girls can do it? Why are we giving them the space to succeed or fail? 

Because they will all TRY. They will try and when and if they fail, it's a teachable moment. 

In life, at some point everyone fails. How we deal with that failure is what shapes our character and how we find joy in our daily lives. We will not always be the best and we will not always get exactly what we want, things will not go exactly as planned.  Happiness comes from being able to see the goodness in all experiences. Even failing!

Kids change will be hard! They will try to make new's hard to take that first step and introduce yourself! What if the other kid isn't kind? What if they don't like me?  I want the girls to know that if that kid they choose to introduce themselves to is not kind...move on to a different kid because that one is not the right friend for you!

Eventually they will fall in love. At some point they will fail at it. Hearts will be broken....and that's okay! I want them to be fearless! Life is too short to keep the words "I love you" locked in our hearts. Some day they may not hear those words back. But we love because we need to love. Loving is never failing. 

We want them to learn to keep trying, to keep loving no matter what!

When the girls grow up and get a new job, or visit a foreign land, or go off to college for the first time, I want them to have the fearlessness to follow their dreams. They may fail at that new job, they may get lost in that foreign land, college can be a challenge for some. If they don't know how to deal with failure then it will be even harder for them to succeed! Turn the bad into the good...getting lost can be an adventure, failing at a job can lead you to the job you are meant to do, failing in one class in college could lead you to try something wonderfully unexpected!

I want the girls to know that if they fail at rope climbs it's okay! We all fail!  It makes us who we are. 

We need to embrace those failures and always try our best and if we do that, it's all anyone can ask of us and all we should ask of ourselves.

The girls will not get a medal for finishing the WOD (workout of the day) and they will not get a medal for completing a session of Girls EDGE (although we've been known to hand out sweet leg warmers). What I want these girls to get out of Girls EDGE is to learn how to fail! 

If you aren't afraid to fail, you can literally do ANYTHING!

Coach Darcie