"Brave" by Sara Bareilles is also what we call our theme song - the song that when it comes on the playlist we often stop what we're doing and start a quick dance party. It speaks to our hearts!
You may be wondering what in the world being brave has to do with an athletic program designed specifically for young girls. My hope is that being brave has a lot to do with our program!
Yes, the girls come to us for an hour once or twice a week - which in the grand scheme of things is not that much time. But in those couple of hours we ask them to try new things. Here are just a few:
- handstand holds
- cartwheels
- dead lifts
- wheelbarrows
- burpees,
- sled pushes,
- kettle bell swings
- rope climbs
- front squats
- push ups
- pull ups ... and more
Not to mention the even more scary part of picking a partner, introducing yourself or sharing something about your self in our discussions!
It's hard to try new things; it's scary! Even as adults (sometimes especially as adults) it's hard to step out of our comfort zones and try something new.
At Girls EDGE we ask them to do something new and different almost every week. That can be scary, but it can also help them be brave!
Life is full of change. That can be hard, it can be scary, but it can also be exciting and wonderful!
Life is full of change. That can be hard, it can be scary, but it can also be exciting and wonderful!
At Girls EDGE we want to see YOU be brave!
Coach Darcie
Coach Darcie